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Architectural challenge in NuoDB addressed?

Refer to this video:

The video was dated in Sept. 2013. In technology term it is quite outdated. However, in the video it raised several challenges NuoDB had. I wonder did NuoDB improve on the aspects of:

  1. Race condition in the Join process. If nodes are joined in the wrong order, they'll end up in the quiet split-brain mode, and will lose data if rejoined later.
  2. Race conditions in database creation / schema operation
  3. Tricky to configure and start the system in an automated way
  4. When a node crashes, it does not bring back storage manager or transaction manager, means data can all of a sudden become less durable as you could have only 1 or 0 copy of the data.
  5. During a partition, transactions are blocked due to cpu/storage hauling resource


  • Yeah, that was a while ago – but it was very helpful to our engineering team then. We did a lot of work to replicate those tests – and fix the problems they exposed. It’s all written up in a series of blog posts. The best place to start is here:

    It’s the umbrella post for the others that build up to the full response

    This next post was added a little later so it’s not linked in the above series, but it is still relevant:

    And with specific regard to your fourth point, about restarting crashed processes, NuoDB now has the concept of a Managed Database; that just means it has a defined SLA it will adhere to automatically - from Single Host, through Minimally Redundant and Multi-Host to Geo-Distributed. That means the database will restart or replace lost processes automatically to continue to meet its SLA. And you can change the SLA while the database is running.