I'm not able to find any solution for saving all the records to CSV using yajra datatables.
Currently i'm getting paginated records that are displaying on current screen (10 records), what i need is all the records
I'm using yajra datatables buttons extension.
My current code is :
dom: 'Bfrtip',
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
responsive: true,
aaSorting: [[6, 'desc']],
ajax: '{!! route('export.data') !!}',
aoColumns: [
{mData:'name', name: 'name'},
{mData:'address', name: 'address'},
{mData:'phone', name: 'phone'},
{mData:'cell_phone', name: 'cell_phone'},
{mData:'email', name: 'm.email'},
{mData:'company', name: 'company'},
{mData:'date_taken', name: 'date_taken'}
buttons: ['csv']
Need help to save all records to csv
I'm using yajra datatables plugin with laravel 5.0
After a day long try, i was able to resolve my question and the answer is to change serverSide option value from true to false.
serverSide: false
It may help someone