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Why doesn't figwheel pass the compiled app to the browser?

I'm using Leiningen 2.5.2 (Java 1.8.0_45-internal Open JDK 64-bit), and the reagent-template (i.e. lein new reagent foo).

This runs okay with lein figwheel as expected.

Next, the first thing I do is break out the "Views" functions into separate files and add them to the app namespace:

core.cljs snippet:

;; -------------------------
;; Views

(:require home-page)

home-page.cljs (whole file):

(ns foo.core)

(defn home-page []
  [:div [:h2 "Welcome to foo"]
   [:div [:a {:href "#/about"} "go to about page"]]])

When I go to view the app in the browser (chromium or firefox), it gets stuck at "ClojureScript has not been compiled!" despite seemingly compiling successfully in the terminal. If I enter commands in the figwheel REPL, I see the green Clojure logo when it is working in the browser, so I know it's connected.

I had this working in a reagent app some months ago--what happened? How should I separate my view code? (A single file is unmanageable; that's a lot of Hiccup.)


  • If you really have only the line (:require home-page) in core.cljs, this should be the culprit. The colon notation :require is only valid inside a namespace declaration with ns. Also, you declare the core namespace in the wrong file (home-page.cljs, not core.cljs). Take a look at this article on namespaces in Clojure for a thorough explanation.

    You will want the following in core.cljs:

    (ns foo.core
      (:require [foo.home-page :as hp :refer [home-page]]))
    .... more core.cljs code ...

    and then simply in home-page.cljs:

    (ns foo.home-page
      (:require ....reagent namespaces as needed ....
    (defn home-page [] ....