Hello :-) I'm new developer in Unity3D. I have a question what is the best practice of getting all children GameObject.
I wanna active or de-active 3 buttons (Camera, SNS, Save Buttons) under some conditions.
here is my code to do that. but I think this is not good. I would like to replace it. There are so many foreach statements. When the parent game object will be added, foreach loop will be added also.
var uiRoot = GameObject.Find("UIRoot");
if (uiRoot != null)
foreach (Transform camera in uiRoot.transform)
foreach (Transform anchor in camera.transform)
foreach (Transform buttons in anchor.transform)
if (buttons.gameObject.tag == "PictureTag")
else if (buttons.gameObject.tag == "CameraTag")
Do you guys have a good idea for that? Help me, Thanks.
If the intention is to grab all the components within the child gameobjects then you can use something like this:
var uiRoot = GameObject.Find("UIRoot");
if (uiRoot != null)
bool includeInactiveGameobjects = true;
var buttons = uiRoot.GetComponentsInChildren<UIButton>(includeInactiveGameobjects);
foreach (UIButton uibutton in buttons)
// Do stuff to button here:
This creates a collection of Button components that can be iterated through and their associated gameObjects can be accessed by using the gameObject property on the component within the foreach loop:
foreach (UIButton uibutton in buttons)
// Do stuff to button here:
GameObject gameObject = uibutton.gameObject;