I want to change the template of a view on window resize, to make it responsive. This works fine when reloading the page, but I cannot update the template dynamically. As per the documents I have used this to set the template on page load:
getTemplate: function() {
if ($(window).width() > 1024){
this.desktopLayout = true;
return '#MenuView';
} else {
this.desktopLayout = false;
return '#MenuViewTablet';
This works fine when you navigate to the page, but when the function is called on 'resize', it doesn't update the template.
In your ItemView
onShow : function () {
$(window).on("resize.myNamespace", _.throttle(_.bind(this.render, this), 50));
onClose : function () {
reference for render callgetTemplate
event so the binding only happens after the view has been inserted into the DOMonClose
event to prevent errors later on, namespace to prevent collisions with other code.