I'm managing user and admin roles with cancan. I want the user to have access to certain views ("Cursos", "Credenciales", ) but cancan does not allow it. How can I give them access? So, what is happening is that it tries to access the route but goes back to the root as I specified it to do it in the application controller. (Of course it is supposed to access to the controller through that route.) Thanks for your help!!
<% if current_user %>
<% if can? :new, @user %>
<% if can? :new, @empleado %>
<li><%= link_to "Lista de Empleados", empleados_path %></li>
<li> <%= link_to "Agregar Empleado", new_empleado_path %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<li><%= link_to "Cursos", cursovence_path %></li>
<li><%= link_to "Credenciales", credencialvence_path %></li>
<% end %>
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
user ||= User.new
if user.admin?
can :manage, :all
can :read, :all
can :display, :all
devise_for :users
root 'empleados#index'
resources :empleados
resources :users
post '/empleados/:id' => 'empleados#display'
get '/cursovence' => 'empleados#indexCursoVence'
get '/credencialvence' => 'empleados#indexCredencialVence'
get '/proxvacas' => 'empleados#indexProxVacas'
class EmpleadosController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
# load_and_authorize_resource - It did not work with this validation
load_resource #So, I changed it for only this one
def index
def new
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception|
flash[:error] = "Access denied."
redirect_to root_url
In cancan you can assign abilities based on symbols not classes (in case you don't have models to base your abilities on) https://github.com/ryanb/cancan/wiki/Non-RESTful-Controllers
So in your view check for can? :index, :cursos
and can? :index, :credenciales
given that you added can :read, :all
in your ability
<% if can? :index, :cursos %>
<li><%= link_to "Cursos", cursovence_path %></li>
<% end %>
<% if can? :index, :credenciales %>
<li><%= link_to "Credenciales", credencialvence_path %></li>
<% end %>