I have been wrestling with this issue all day. I have a simple AutoCompleteTextview and one of it's suggestions is the city of Los Angeles . If a user types in Los Angeles with 1 space in between the 2 words it works but if they type in 2 spaces or more in between the suggestions stop. This is my code
AutoCompleteTextView location= (AutoCompleteTextView)findViewById(R.id.location);
String[] arrays= {"Los Angeles"};
// Los Angeles: this works
// Los Angeles: this does not work notice the extra space in between
// I want to treat extra spaces as just 1 space
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter= new ArrayAdapter<>(Purpose.this, android.R.layout.simple_selectable_list_item,arrays);
I have also tried this
String[] arrays= {"Los Angeles".replaceAll(" "," ")};
// I can not obviously use trim because it merges everything
I have many groups of data but this is the fundamental issue, if I can fix this part then it solves the issue for the other group of data.
I don't know of anything out there that does this, personally I would just write a separate method that cleans your String
. Something involving StringBuilder
for(int x = 0; x < YourString.length(); x++) {
if(YourString[x].equals(" ") && YourString[x-1].equals(" ") {
Crude code I just typed, but just to give you some inspiration.