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data send by firefox tcp socket.send() can't retrive until close the socket

I'm trying to send some data from Firefox to java desktop application .so my java class work as a server and Firefox script work as a client .when i test it using another java class which is data successfully sent to how ever when i use this firefox script to send data ,it actually connect to the server .but send("text"); doesn't work realtime .i mean sever shows received data when i close the socket socket.close(); . but i know there is no problem with code.

this doesn't work

setTimeout(function(){socket.send("i'm firefox");},5000); // because socket isn't closed yet

this work

setTimeout(function(){socket.send("i'm firefox");},5000);

but i really don't want to close the socket because i want to send lot of data one by one.

here is the complete code tested on scratchpad [-browser]

var tcpSocket = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMTCPSocket);
var socket ="", 5000);

setTimeout(function(){socket.send("i'm firefox");},5000);
//setTimeout(function(){socket.close();},8000);// i'm firefox text retrieve by server when run this line / when close the socket.

i think java code isn't important.but here it is.

I'm asking why do i need to close the socket to send data ? and how can i send data without close the socket ?


i made a Gif to show my problem here you can see data not sending real time but when socket is closed all the data flushed .

enter image description here


  • It's actually working. Your data is being received, but you're currently waiting for a new line to print your received messages:

    while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
        System.out.println("Server: " + inputLine);
        if (inputLine.equals("Bye.")) {

    Which currently only happens when you close the socket. Just add a new line at the end of your messages and it will work as expected:

    var tcpSocket = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMTCPSocket);
    var socket    ="", 5000);
    function sendMessage(msg){
        socket.send(msg + "\n");
        sendMessage("hi mark");
        sendMessage("hi johnny");