Once someone adds the bot in friendlist, the bot is accepting the request and send a message to the new "friend", I want it to send a message to my steamID as well, but for some reason it isn't working
it does accept and send message to the new friend, but does not send me a message,
static void OnFriendsList(SteamFriends.FriendsListCallback callback)
foreach(var friend in callback.FriendList)
if (friend.Relationship == EFriendRelationship.RequestRecipient)
steamFriends.SendChatMessage(friend.SteamID, EChatEntryType.ChatMsg, "Hello I am a bot");
steamFriends.SendChatMessage(new SteamID { Value = "76561198145164176" }, EChatEntryType.ChatMsg, "A friend had added me!"); //This ain't working
Also getting a syntax error at Value,
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS0117 'SteamID' does not contain a definition for 'Value' Tutorialbot C:\Users\Stagiair\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Tutorialbot\Tutorialbot\Program.cs 180
documentation: http://www.nudoq.org/#!/Packages/SteamKit2/SteamKit2/SteamFriends/M/SendChatMessage
Based on the message, "Value" isn't a field for the SteamID object. Looking at SteamID, it looks like the item you're looking for is AccountID.
Based on the constructors for SteamID, it looks like instead of:
steamFriends.SendChatMessage(new SteamID { Value = "76561198145164176" }, EChatEntryType.ChatMsg, "A friend had added me!");
you'll want to use this instead:
steamFriends.SendChatMessage(new SteamID(76561198145164176), EChatEntryType.ChatMsg, "A friend had added me!");