I have a modal that displays stock information for a specific item that has multiple locations within a warehouse. The user selects the locations and quantities from each menu and clicks confirm, the information from this modal needs to then be imported on a pick list which is printed out.
To do this I was planning to use arrays to transport the data to the pick list.
I have a hidden field for each row, containing the values of the Location and the Qty Picked from there.
Location 1 + Qty 1 = Hidden Field 1
Location 2 + Qty 2 = Hidden Field 2
I now want to be able to put those hidden fields into an array once a button is clicked.
Hidden Field 1 + Hidden Field 2 = Array.
I can create the hidden fields just fine, its when I go to make the final array that contains all the data, it only seems to want to add the newest hidden field to be created into it.
Dialog - Pick Quantity Button (Used to confirm the selections):
'Pick Quantity': function() {
jQuery('.ui-dialog button:nth-child(1)').button('disable');
//Disables the current selection, so that it cannot be editted
$('#AddLocQtyPick'+Picker).prop ('disabled', true);
//Disables the current selection, so that it cannot be editted
$('#LocationPickerSelect'+ Picker).prop ('disabled', true);
//Adds Unique Number to the ID of the input fields
//For Loop that helps to total up the quanities being selected in each picker
for (i = 0; i<Picker; i++) {
total= total + $('#AddLocQtyPick'+i).val() * 1.0;
//Variable decides max value of pick on appends using previous selection
QtyReqTot= QtyReq - total;
//"Pick Another location" button is enabled whilst Qty Req has not been met
if (total !== QtyReq){
jQuery('.ui-dialog button:nth-child(2)').button('enable');
//"Pick Quantity", "Pick Another Location" are disabled, whilst "Confirm" button is enabled when total reaches Qty Req
if (total == QtyReq){
jQuery('.ui-dialog button:nth-child(2)').button('disable');
jQuery('.ui-dialog button:nth-child(1)').button('disable');
jQuery('.ui-dialog button:nth-child(3)').button('enable');
//Pick Another Location button is disabled if no more locations to pick from
if (length == 1){
jQuery('.ui-dialog button:nth-child(2)').button('disable');
if (total !== QtyReq && length == 1){
jQuery('.ui-dialog button:nth-child(1)').button('disable');
//Create Hidden Field - Location
//for loop that creates the fields
for (i = 0; i<Picker; i++){
HiddenSelection = [$('#LocationPickerSelect'+i).val(),$('#AddLocQtyPick'+i).val()];
var appendHiddenSelection = '<input type="hidden" class="HiddenSelection'+ i +'" value='+HiddenSelection+'>';
alert(appendHiddenSelection +'This is SelectionField'+i);
Confirm Button - Used to Generate the Final Array containing previous arrays:
'Confirm': function() {
//Reset the length loop
length = undefined;
//Remove "Multiple Location" icon from the row.
//Checks "Multiple Location" icon for existence and adds Pick List button when all hidden.
$('img[id^=icon]:visible').length || $('#ProcessPickList').show();
//Change text colour back to blue to have visual confirmation that item is ready for picking
$('#Desc'+id).css('color', '#0000FF');
$('#QtyReq'+id).css('color', '#0000FF');
$('#QtyinStock'+id).css('color', '#0000FF');
//Create Total Array
TotalHiddenArray = [HiddenSelection]
alert (TotalHiddenArray);
I think I need to be able to create unique IDS for the input fields and show how get them to all be added to the array.
You can try replacing
HiddenArray = [appendHiddenQty, appendHiddenLocation]
HiddenArray[HiddenArray.length] = [appendHiddenQty, appendHiddenLocation]
This way, instead of overwriting HiddenArray
within the loop, you just add [appendHiddenQty, appendHiddenLocation]
at the end of HiddenArray
HiddenSelection = [$('#LocationPickerSelect'+i).val(),$('#AddLocQtyPick'+i).val()];
HiddenSelection[HiddenSelection.length] = [$('#LocationPickerSelect'+i).val(),$('#AddLocQtyPick'+i).val()];
Or, you also can use push
Please see this quickly made Fiddle
Ok, so let's try to replace the whole loop by:
var HiddenSelection = new Array;
for (i = 0; i<Picker; i++){
HiddenSelection = [$('#LocationPickerSelect'+i).val(),$('#AddLocQtyPick'+i).val()];
var appendHiddenSelection = '<input type="hidden" class="HiddenSelection'+ i +'" value='+HiddenSelection+'>';
alert(appendHiddenSelection +'This is SelectionField'+i);
You just have to remove this from your confirm
function :
//Create Total Array
TotalHiddenArray = [HiddenSelection]
You also have to delcare TotalHiddenArray
as new array outside any function (at the very top of your JS code for exemple, because I guess you are trying to access TotalHiddenArray
from another function than the loop) like this :
var TotalHiddenArray= new Array;
Another Fiddle