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JasperServer Deny ROLE_USER create and modify scheduling

i need to prevent scheduling reports in JasperServer by normal users, even modify a previous schedule made by ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR. Only can scheduling the ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR.

I've follow this guide and this one Control Scheduling in JasperReports Server to prevent use the scheduling action and it only works partially, users can't create a schedule using context menu (right click) but they can modify,eliminate a previous schedule. how? By using a link (clock icon) in list of reports that have a previous schedule.

Anyone knows a solution to prevent this?


  • I found a solution following this guides:

    I've used the "Restricting a Section of a JSP File by Role" in the page:


    To Restrict the buttons ("Create Schedule", "Run Now" and "Refresh List") to ROLE_USERS, needs to encapsule this code with the tag authz:authorize

    <li class="node open">
        <ul class="list buttonSet">
            <li class="leaf">
                <button class="button capsule text first up scheduleJob">
                    <span class="wrap"><spring:message code=""/></span>
                    <span class="icon"></span>
            <li class="leaf">
                <button class="button capsule text last up runJob">
                    <span class="wrap"><spring:message code=""/></span>
                    <span class="icon"></span>
    <li class="node open">
        <ul class="list buttonSet">
            <li class="leaf">
                <button class="button capsule text up refreshList">
                    <span class="wrap"><spring:message code="report.scheduling.list.button.refresh"/></span>
                    <span class="icon"></span>

    This way:

    <authz:authorize ifAllGranted="ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR">
    <li class="node open">      

    And last, restrict the job's schedule result list:

    <!-- body of jobs list -->
    <authz:authorize ifAllGranted="ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR">
            <div id="resultsContainer" class="body">
                <ul id="resultsList" class="list collapsible tabular jobs sixColumn"></ul>
    <!-- end of body of jobs list -->