I want to type letters like å,ø,æ using java awt robot. but unable to find any keyevents for these letters. I am using ubuntu and Norwegian is selected as a language. so i can type these letters from keyboard but when i try to get keycode these are always given as 0.
Can someone suggest how i can write using java robot.
based on the solution of Wolfgang Steiner:
public static void pressUnicode(Robot r, int key_code)
for(int i = 3; i >= 0; --i)
// extracts a single decade of the key-code and adds
// an offset to get the required VK_NUMPAD key-code
int numpad_kc = key_code / (int) (Math.pow(10, i)) % 10 + KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD0;
This automatically goes through each decade of the unicode key-code, maps it to the corresponding VK_NUMPAD equivalent and presses/releases the keys accordingly. It works with every unicode Character.
To get the code of a Symbol do the following:
char ch='ä';
int key_code = ch;
Edit: This solution is windows-based. To make it work for Linux try the following:
"For linux - Hold down 'ctrl' & 'shift' the entire time while entering the character. While holding them down, press 'U' then the 4 digit octal code for the character. "