I'm currently in a C++ Course and im struggling with References. I know there are some similar topics, but i couldnt find an answer for this. The thing is my Prof wants us to use References when returning objects, so return by value or using a pointer as return is no option. So i guess i have to use a dynamic allocated object (returning a reference to a local object ends in a mess...right?)
1. Complex& method() {
2. Complex *object = new Complex();
3. return *object; }
Here is where im struggling, how do i catch the return right?
1. Complex one = object.method();
As far as i understand, with this i will get only a Copy and a Memory Leak So how do i catch it with a pointer?
1. Complex *two = new Complex();
2. delete two;
3. *two = object.method();
this seems to work, but is there a way of it in just one line? Or should it be done different?
my Prof wants us to use References when returning objects
When I read this, my first thought was that your professor meant:
void method(Complex& nonConstPassByReference)
nonConstPassByReference.data = 10;
int method(Complex& nonConstPassByReference)
nonConstPassByReference.data = 10;
return (0); // no error occurred
And when I use this technique, I now use
std::string method(Complex& nonConstPassByReference)
std::stringstream ss;
nonConstPassByReference.data = 10;
// more stuff
if (anErrorOccurred)
ss << errorDescriptionInfo << std::endl;
return (ss.str()); // no error occurred when return size is 0
This comes from the idea that, in general, all methods or functions can have two kinds of formal parameters. We call them pass-by-value, and pass-by-reference.
In general, all functions / methods can have both input and output formal parameters. And usually, input parameters are pass-by-value. Output parameters are non-const-pass-by-reference, inviting the method body to send its results back to the prebuilt instance of the calling code.
Occasionally, pass-by-reference variables are used for 'input-to-method' parameters (perhaps for performance - to avoid an expensive copy). In this case, the input-to-method-pass-by-reference parameters should be marked with 'const', to ask the compiler to generate an error if the code tries to modify that input.
Note that many C functions do NOT return a value which is part of the action ... return is instead an 'error occurred' indication, with the error description stashed in errno.