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How can I programatically show/hide a button that is part of the body template in Meteor?

I am using the Template.dynamic feature in a Meteor app. The initial template displayed is the chief one, and often the user will want to go immediately back to it from whatever template they have moved to. I want to make this ability to move back to that initial/chief template very obvious with a "go back" button.

Let me first outline how I swap out the templates:{
    "click #mniOpenExisting": function () {
      Session.set('curTemplate', 'scheduleOpenExisting');

    currentTemplate: function () {
      return Session.get('curTemplate');

  <div class="container">
    {{> mnuScheduler}}
    {{> Template.dynamic template=currentTemplate}}

I don't want the 'go back' button to be visible on the main template, because there is no need to go back to itself.

I could put such a 'go back' button at the bottom of each template, and then show it in each templates OnRendered event:


...where the CSS class is:

.hide {
  visibility: hidden;
  display: none;

...but there's got to be a way to implement the DRY principle here, rather than duplicating a 'go back' button on each template.

At first I thought that if I were to put the "back button" in the body like so:



  <div class="container">
    {{> mnuScheduler}}
    {{> Template.dynamic template=currentTemplate}}    
    {{> backButton}}


<template name="backButton">    
        <button class="hide" type="button" id="btnGoBack" name="btnGoBack">Go Back</button> 

...I could add code like this where the template is swapped out:{
    "click #mniOpenExisting": function () {
      Session.set('curTemplate', 'scheduleOpenExisting');

...but 'btnBack' is not part of the 'mnuScheduler' template, and so 'btnBack' is unrecognized there.

If I put the back button in only one place (the 'body' template), can I reference it from another template's events? Is there a way to do something like this:{
    "click #mniOpenExisting": function () {
      Session.set('curTemplate', 'scheduleOpenExisting');



I guess I'm doing something wrong in trying to implement Michael Floyd's suggestion.

The chief template (the one that displays intially) is "tblScheduler". Here's what I added:

// main.html:

  <div class="container">
    {{> mnuScheduler}}
    {{> Template.dynamic template=currentTemplate}}
    {{#unless isChiefTemplate}}
      <button type="button" id="btnDisplayScheduleTemplate" name="btnDisplayScheduleTemplate">Display Schedule</button>
    {{> footer}}


// main.js:

  jobLocations: function() {
    return JobLocations.find({}, {sort: {jl_jobloc: 1}, fields: {jl_jobloc: 1}});
  isChiefTemplate: function() {
    return true;
  . . .{
  'click #btnDisplayScheduleTemplate': function() {
    Session.set('curTemplate', 'tblScheduler');
}); //{

But the "Display Schedule" button is still visible on the chief template (tblScheduler).

Note: The "body" event works - clicking the button does switch from any other template to the chief template (tblScheduler); it's just that that button is visible even on the chief template still that is the problem.


  • Defining the helper in Template.tblScheduler.helpers doesn't work, as you call it from the body template:

    Either create a global template like this:

    Template.registerHelper('isChiefTemplate', function(){
      return Session.get('curTemplate') === 'tblScheduler';

    or define it on the Body template:

      isChiefTemplate:  function(){
        return Session.get('curTemplate') === 'tblScheduler';

    And the template from your update/Michel Floyd's answer:

    {{#unless isChiefTemplate}}
      <button type="button" id="btnDisplayScheduleTemplate" name="btnDisplayScheduleTemplate">Display Schedule</button>