I am using the Template.dynamic feature in a Meteor app. The initial template displayed is the chief one, and often the user will want to go immediately back to it from whatever template they have moved to. I want to make this ability to move back to that initial/chief template very obvious with a "go back" button.
Let me first outline how I swap out the templates:
"click #mniOpenExisting": function () {
Session.set('curTemplate', 'scheduleOpenExisting');
currentTemplate: function () {
return Session.get('curTemplate');
<div class="container">
{{> mnuScheduler}}
{{> Template.dynamic template=currentTemplate}}
I don't want the 'go back' button to be visible on the main template, because there is no need to go back to itself.
I could put such a 'go back' button at the bottom of each template, and then show it in each templates OnRendered event:
...where the CSS class is:
.hide {
visibility: hidden;
display: none;
...but there's got to be a way to implement the DRY principle here, rather than duplicating a 'go back' button on each template.
At first I thought that if I were to put the "back button" in the body like so:
<div class="container">
{{> mnuScheduler}}
{{> Template.dynamic template=currentTemplate}}
{{> backButton}}
<template name="backButton">
<button class="hide" type="button" id="btnGoBack" name="btnGoBack">Go Back</button>
...I could add code like this where the template is swapped out:
"click #mniOpenExisting": function () {
Session.set('curTemplate', 'scheduleOpenExisting');
...but 'btnBack' is not part of the 'mnuScheduler' template, and so 'btnBack' is unrecognized there.
If I put the back button in only one place (the 'body' template), can I reference it from another template's events? Is there a way to do something like this:
"click #mniOpenExisting": function () {
Session.set('curTemplate', 'scheduleOpenExisting');
I guess I'm doing something wrong in trying to implement Michael Floyd's suggestion.
The chief template (the one that displays intially) is "tblScheduler". Here's what I added:
// main.html:
<div class="container">
{{> mnuScheduler}}
{{> Template.dynamic template=currentTemplate}}
{{#unless isChiefTemplate}}
<button type="button" id="btnDisplayScheduleTemplate" name="btnDisplayScheduleTemplate">Display Schedule</button>
{{> footer}}
// main.js:
jobLocations: function() {
return JobLocations.find({}, {sort: {jl_jobloc: 1}, fields: {jl_jobloc: 1}});
isChiefTemplate: function() {
return true;
. . .
'click #btnDisplayScheduleTemplate': function() {
Session.set('curTemplate', 'tblScheduler');
}); // Template.body.events({
But the "Display Schedule" button is still visible on the chief template (tblScheduler).
Note: The "body" event works - clicking the button does switch from any other template to the chief template (tblScheduler); it's just that that button is visible even on the chief template still that is the problem.
Defining the helper in Template.tblScheduler.helpers doesn't work, as you call it from the body template:
Either create a global template like this:
Template.registerHelper('isChiefTemplate', function(){
return Session.get('curTemplate') === 'tblScheduler';
or define it on the Body template:
isChiefTemplate: function(){
return Session.get('curTemplate') === 'tblScheduler';
And the template from your update/Michel Floyd's answer:
{{#unless isChiefTemplate}}
<button type="button" id="btnDisplayScheduleTemplate" name="btnDisplayScheduleTemplate">Display Schedule</button>