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How to remove duplicates from a parallel array in Java?

So, I started learning Java and was wondering how parallel arrays of string and int type could be stored exactly once from the source arrays. For example, I have two arrays parallel to each other, one stores the Phone number as a string and the other stores the duration of the calls as a/an int gotten from each phone number.

String[] phoneNumbers;           
    phoneNumbers = new String[100];
    int[] callDurations = new int[phoneNumbers.length];
    int size = 0;

    phoneNumbers[0] = "888-555-0000";
    callDurations[0] = 10;
    phoneNumbers[1] = "888-555-1234";
    callDurations[1] = 26;
    phoneNumbers[2] = "888-555-0000";
    callDurations[2] = 90;
    phoneNumbers[3] = "888-678-8766";
    callDurations[3] = 28;

    size = 4;

I wrote a method to find the details of a specific phone number, such as the duration of the specific call "888-555-1234" Here is the method and how I called it:

public static void findAllCalls(String[] phoneNumbers, int[] callDurations, int size, String targetNumber) {
    int match;
    System.out.println("Calls from " + targetNumber + ":");
    match = find(phoneNumbers, size, 0, targetNumber);

    while (match >= 0) {
        System.out.println(phoneNumbers[match] + " duration: " + callDurations[match] + "s");

        match = find(phoneNumbers, size, match + 1, targetNumber);


System.out.println("\n\nAll calls from number: ");
    findAllCalls(phoneNumbers, callDurations, size, "888-555-1234");

The output of this code is:

All calls from number: 
Calls from 888-555-1234:
888-555-1234 duration: 26s
888-555-1234 duration: 28s

Process finished with exit code 0

Whereas,the output I want to get instead is:

All calls from number: 
Calls from 888-555-1234:
888-555-1234 duration: 54s

Process finished with exit code 0

(26s + 28s)

How is it possible in java to make sure there are no duplicates stored in a parallel array and get total duration for each phone number instead of having them separately in the arrays?


  • As already stated in the answers before, you can use a map - will avoid duplicates in both phoneNumber and callDuration (Java code to Prevent duplicate <Key,Value> pairs in HashMap/HashTable).

    Or, if you want to stick with the String implementation, you can change the logic in the findAllCalls() method.

    public static void findAllCalls(String[] phoneNumbers, int[] callDurations, int size, String targetNumber) 
       int match;
       System.out.println("Calls from " + targetNumber + ":");
       //match = find(phoneNumbers, size, 0, targetNumber);
       int i = 0, duration = 0;
       while (i<size)
          //System.out.println(phoneNumbers[match] + " duration: " + callDurations[match] + "s");
          //match = find(phoneNumbers, size, match + 1, targetNumber);
       System.out.println(targetNumber+" duration : "+duration+"s");