I am creating an app that implements the Soomla Unity IAP plugin. In my effort to get the IAP to work, I have gotten to a point where I can make a purchase when in the editor. (Not a real purchase, it just updates the virtual currency that the user can buy/spend in game).
When I launch this on an Android device, I get this error: Authentication is required. You need to sign into your Google Account.
Now I have read multiple different articles where people have had this issue and nothing seems to be helping me.
Here is list of what I have tried so far:
1) Make sure app is published either to alpha or beta for testing.(in alpha now)
2) Make sure prices match for game and in developer console.
3) Use a device that is logged in as a user that is not using the developer email.
4) Make sure the email on the test device is listed as a tester in the developer console.
5) Make sure the necessary permissions are listed in the Android Manifest.
6) Confirm merchant account is set up correctly and verified.
7) Make sure to build as release and not development (not sure if this even matters, but I tried both ways).
8) Completely removed all of the Soomla plugin from the project and then added it back in while following the tutorial very closely just to makes sure nothing small was missed. Still no dice.
I have the core and store components added to the scene that they are necessary in. Please let me know if you have any other ideas of what I should do to fix this problem. In the mean time, here is the StoreAssets.cs code I use for setting up Soomla:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Soomla.Store;
public class StoreAssets : IStoreAssets
public static bool purchased = false;
public int GetVersion()
return 0;
public void onItemPurchased(PurchasableVirtualItem pvi, string payload)
purchased = true;
public VirtualCurrency[] GetCurrencies()
return new VirtualCurrency[]{TOKEN_CURRENCY};
public VirtualGood[] GetGoods()
public VirtualCurrencyPack[] GetCurrencyPacks()
return new VirtualCurrencyPack[] {FIVE_TOKEN_PACK, TEN_TOKEN_PACK, FIFTY_TOKEN_PACK};
public VirtualCategory[] GetCategories()
return new VirtualCategory[]{};
/** Virtual Currencies **/
public static VirtualCurrency TOKEN_CURRENCY = new VirtualCurrency
"Token", // Name
"Token currency", // Description
"token_currency_ID" // Item ID
/** Virtual Currency Packs **/
public static VirtualCurrencyPack FIVE_TOKEN_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack
"5 Tokens", // Name
"5 token currency units", // Description
"5_tokens_id", // Item ID
5, // Number of currencies in the pack
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket
( // Purchase type (with real money $)
"tokens_5_PROD_ID", // Product ID
0.99 // Price (in real money $)
public static VirtualCurrencyPack TEN_TOKEN_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack
"10 Tokens", // Name
"10 token currency units", // Description
"10_tokens_id", // Item ID
10, // Number of currencies in the pack
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket
( // Purchase type (with real money $)
"tokens_10_PROD_ID", // Product ID
1.99 // Price (in real money $)
public static VirtualCurrencyPack FIFTY_TOKEN_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack
"50 Tokens", // Name
"50 token currency units", // Description
"50_tokens_id", // Item ID
50, // Number of currencies in the pack
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket
( // Purchase type (with real money $)
"tokens_50_PROD_ID", // Product ID
4.99 // Price (in real money $)
/** Virtual Goods **/
public static VirtualGood BACKUP_FORCEFIELD = new SingleUseVG
"BackupForcefield", // Name
"Secondary forcefield for extra protection.", // Description
"bff_ID", // Item ID
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem
( // Purchase type (with virtual currency)
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the item used to pay with
1 // Price (amount of coins)
public static VirtualGood EMP = new SingleUseVG
"Emp", // Name
"Clear the surrounding space of all lasers.", // Description
"emp_ID", // Item ID
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem
( // Purchase type (with virtual currency)
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the item used to pay with
5 // Price (amount of coins)
public static VirtualGood IMMUNITY = new SingleUseVG
"Immunity", // Name
"Immune to damage.", // Description
"immunity_ID", // Item ID
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem
( // Purchase type (with virtual currency)
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the item used to pay with
10 // Price (amount of coins)
public static VirtualGood MULTIPLIER = new SingleUseVG
"Multiplier", // Name
"Double your score per deflected laser.", // Description
"multiplier_ID", // Item ID
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem
( // Purchase type (with virtual currency)
"token_currency_ID", // ID of the item used to pay with
15 // Price (amount of coins)
In order to purchase Items, I call:
StoreInventory.BuyItem("the id of my item");
To use an item that has been purchased, I call:
StoreInventory.TakeItem("the id of my item");
StoreInventory is a class that is included in Soomla when it is imported into Unity.
Here is the code where buying and item consumption is done:
public class Purchase : MonoBehaviour
public Text tokens;
public static bool bffFilled = false,
immFilled = false, empFilled = false,
multFilled = false, init = false;
void Start()
if (!init)
init = true;
SoomlaStore.Initialize(new StoreAssets());
Token.updateTokens (tokens);
void Update()
if (StoreEvents.balanceChanged)
StoreEvents.balanceChanged = false;
public void BuyItem (int item)
if (item == 1)
StoreInventory.BuyItem (StoreAssets.FIVE_TOKEN_PACK.ItemId);
else if (item == 2)
StoreInventory.BuyItem (StoreAssets.TEN_TOKEN_PACK.ItemId);
else if (item == 3)
StoreInventory.BuyItem (StoreAssets.FIFTY_TOKEN_PACK.ItemId);
public void getUpgrade(int upgrade)
if (upgrade == 1)
bool bffNotBought = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Bff Available", 0) == 0;
if (StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.GetBalance() >= 1 && bffNotBought)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Bff Available", 1);
bffFilled = true;
StoreInventory.TakeItem(StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.ItemId, 1);
else if (upgrade == 2)
bool empNotBought = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Emp Available", 0) == 0;
if (StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.GetBalance() >= 5 && empNotBought)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Emp Available", 1);
empFilled = true;
StoreInventory.TakeItem(StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.ItemId, 5);
else if (upgrade == 3)
bool immNotBought = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Imm Available", 0) == 0;
if (StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.GetBalance() >= 10 && immNotBought)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Imm Available", 1);
immFilled = true;
StoreInventory.TakeItem(StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.ItemId, 10);
else if (upgrade == 4)
bool multNotBought = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Mult Available", 0) == 0;
if (StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.GetBalance() >= 15 && multNotBought)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Mult Available", 1);
multFilled = true;
StoreInventory.TakeItem(StoreAssets.TOKEN_CURRENCY.ItemId, 15);
Token.updateTokens (tokens);
I have now created both a google group and a google community for testing this app. I added the email for my other android device to the both of these and I used the link provided to download the app. Doing all of this still resulted in the same error as before.
I just noticed that my credit card on my merchant account had expired. One of the articles I read mentioned having issues like this if there were issues with the merchant account. I have updated the information and now I have to wait the deposit they will put in my account to make sure it is working. Once that is done I will update whether or not this fixed my current problem.
After finally verifying my merchant account on Google Play, I still seem to have the same problem. Fixing my merchant account did not change anything that I couldn't tell.
I just updated my post to include my whole StoreAssets.cs script and what I use to make purchases and consume items when a player uses them. I added this since I have no idea what else the issue could be.
Still no luck so far. Issue persists in android. The editor itself makes test purchases but purchases cannot be make from an android device without getting the same error as listed above.
Just as a quick update, I have tried building the project without the development build selected in the build settings and I send the link to all of the people in my Google community in order to give it a shot. Everyone still has the same error as my testing device does.
After trying a few things that Tony pointed out, I have noticed that the onBillingSupported() function is not called when I use this: StoreEvents.OnBillingSupported += onBillingSupported; I'm not sure why just yet.
After going through the tutorial on the soomla site, I have done everything it said except starting the Iab in the background and the fraud protection since they aren't required. the onBillingSupported method is still not called and I am still getting the same error as before on android devices.
I just removed everything for the Soomla plugin and imported the newest version and followed the instructions again and I still get the same error.
Really no idea what I am missing here. After removing all of the Soomla plugin and then adding it again and still getting the same error after multiple tries. I have followed everything as the tutorial says and I have all of the code above.
In my case, I didn't realize that what I was using for my item ID and my product ID were mixed up. The item ID is just to identify the item within soomla, the product ID is the actual I'd you,set in google play.