I have mage a login system on my website. I've done it so when someone signs up, they get their own folder with a file in it. Yhe file is called profile.php. The profile.php file is directed in the root folder, and is copied into the users folder.
Here is a small part of my code:
try {
$path = "users/".$row['ID']."/";
copy('profile.php',$path . 'profile.php');
} catch(PDOException $ex) {
I wondered if it was possible to change all the profile.php files in all the foldesr at once when i edit the root file.
Does anybody know?
I acctually managed to solve the problem by myself. I created i new file called profilepage.php, and the code in this file is:
require ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/profile.php');
Then i edited the register file so it copies the profilepage.php instead.
try {
$path = "users/".$row['ID']."/";
copy('profilepage.php',$path . 'profilepage.php');
} catch(PDOException $ex) {