I am building an isomorphic app with webpack, React, ES6 and fluxible and has run in into a following issue regarding browser-specific modules import.
For example, I want to use imagesloaded in my React component. The code for this looks like this:
import React, { PropTypes, Component, findDOMNode } from "react";
import imagesLoaded from "imagesloaded";
But, obviously, it tries to do the import on the server-side first, and the code fails miserably with an error:
ReferenceError: window is not defined
The question is — what approach should I take so the code is only included for the browser-side version? I guess I am looking for something like:
if (process.env.BROWSER) {
You can do it in exactly same way, that you mentioned, use require
if (process.env.BROWSER) {
That will work. Also there is more options to do it:
Provide fake instance of the library for node environment. You can use mockery, for it.
Create fake instance of window. AFAIK, imagesloaded doesn't rely of browser-specific features, only utilizes window as global namespace, so you can make alias for it.
Like this code:
global.window = global