I have a file weights01.txt which is filled with floats in a 4x3 matrix as below
1.1 2.123 3.4
4.5 5 6.5
7 8.1 9
1 2 3.1
I am trying to read this file and transfer the data to an array called newarray. This is the code I am using:
int main()
ofstream myfile;
float newarray[4][3];
myfile.open ("weights01.txt");
for(int i = 0 ; i < 4; i++) // row loop
for(int j = 0 ; j < 3; j++) // column loop
myfile >> newarray[i][j]; // store data in matrix
return 0;
I get an error with the line
myfile >> newarray[i][j];
error: no match for 'operator>>' in 'myfile >> newarray[i][j]'
I do not understand why this error is occuring
I searched for previous questions about this "no match for 'operator>>' error including this and this. I also read this long discussion on overloading operators but I did not find an explanation (possibly because I have not used files much before and don't really follow what is happening.
You cannot read from an std::ofstream
(short for out file stream), it is for output only.
Use an std::ifstream
(that is in file stream) instead.
If you should ever have questions about which standard library facility does what, check out your favorite reference, for example cppr.
OT remark: You can directly construct the stream from the filename:
std::ifstream myfile ("weights01.txt");
and you need not close()
the file when you are done, the stream's destructor will handle that for you.