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gSoap EWS "Error Schema Validation"

I have some problems with ews(gSoap) for GetServerTimeZones operation.

my client code is:

ews__GetServerTimeZonesType *zoneReq = new ews__GetServerTimeZonesType();
zoneReq->Ids = new ns1__NonEmptyArrayOfTimeZoneIdType();
zoneReq->Ids->Id.push_back("Eastern Standard Time");

bool val = false;
zoneReq->ReturnFullTimeZoneData = &val;

__ews__GetServerTimeZonesResponse resp;

if( proxy->GetServerTimeZones(zoneReq, resp) == SOAP_OK)
    std::cout <<  "Works!!" << std::endl;

After successful compilation, when Run it i've this soap fault error:

SOAP 1.1 fault: ns1:ErrorSchemaValidation[no subcode]
"The request failed schema validation: This is an invalid xsi:type ''." Detail: <e:ResponseCode xmlns:e="">ErrorSchemaValidation</e:ResponseCode>

SENT log is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ews="">
        <ews:GetServerTimeZones xsi:type="ews:GetServerTimeZonesType">
                <ns1:Id>Eastern Standard Time</ns1:Id>

and RECEIVE log is:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
            <faultcode xmlns:a="">a:ErrorSchemaValidation
            <faultstring xml:lang="en-US">The request failed schema validation: This is an invalid xsi:type ''.
                <e:ResponseCode xmlns:e="">ErrorSchemaValidation
                <e:Message xmlns:e="">The request failed schema validation.
                <t:MessageXml xmlns:t="">
                    <t:Violation>This is an invalid xsi:type ''.</t:Violation>

What am i doing wrong here? Any help appreciated. If you want more code i'll provide you that also. Thank you.

UPDATE: The Actual XML file for Request is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <ns1:RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2013_SP1">
   <ews:GetServerTimeZones ReturnFullTimeZoneData="false">


But in SENT log file there ReturnFullTimeZoneData="false" is absent, so i'm not sure about it, could it be a reason of this problem?


Here is the namespace mapping table-

#include "soapH.h"
SOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces[] =
    {"SOAP-ENV", "", "*/soap-envelope", NULL},
    {"SOAP-ENC", "", "*/soap-encoding", NULL},
    {"xsi", "", "*/XMLSchema-instance", NULL},
    {"xsd", "", "*/XMLSchema", NULL},
    {"ns1", "", NULL, NULL},
    {"ews", "", NULL, NULL},

Could anyone tell me is there need to be change in this table or not? thank you.


  • Without access to the message and type schemas my comment is just a best guess. First, since the type schema is separate from the message schema, I suspect that ews is the wrong namespace prefix used in the xsi:type of ns1:id and should be ns1. Second, perhaps the xsi:type occurs there because of inheritance/extension from a base type. My suggestion is to run wsdl2h with option -P to remove unnecessary xsi:type attributes that originate from deriving from the xsd:anyType root type. If that does not help then try the runtime flag SOAP_XML_NOTYPE to initialize the soap context which will remove all xsi:type attributes. But beware that deserialization of derived types (that require xsi:type will fail. Seriously though, the xsi:type is set according to the schema's definition of this type, so there might be a mismatch with these definitions and the upstream receiver's XML API.