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Handsontable: Getting HoT object in 'cells' function

I'm upgrading from an old version of HandsOnTable and I'm getting some problems getting the HoT object in the cells function, eg.:

cells: function (row, col, prop) {
            var cellProperties = {};
            cellProperties.className = 'htMiddle htCenter';

            if (hot.getDataAtRowProp(row, "Team") == "Boston Celtics")

            return cellProperties;

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getDataAtRowProp' of undefined

Shouldn't the HoT object be available by then?

What I'm trying to do is to check the value of a specific cell to know if I should change the renderer of this column.


  • You're having scoping issues. You have access to the hot object by doing this.instance so just change your code to

    if (this.instance.getDataAtRowProp(row, "Team") == "Boston Celtics")

    That should work (it does in your fiddle)