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Match Aquamacs' settings in emacs

How can I match Aquamacs' settings in Mac OS X emacs' AucTeX?

Because of some reason I tried to install AucTeX to emacs for Mac OS X.

For Aquamacs that has pre-installed AucTeX, everything is pretty cool.

  1. It runs SKIM pdf viewer for viewing the result.
  2. It can use pdfsync for reverse/forward link between Aquamacs and SKIM.


  • I have the following in my .emacs, though there are probably better ways:

    (setq LaTeX-command "latex -synctex=1 -shell-escape")
    (when (file-exists-p "/Applications/")
      (add-to-list 'TeX-output-view-style
                   '("^pdf$" "." "/Applications/ -b %n %o %b")))

    You might try seeing what those variables are set to in Aquamacs. Use C-h v VARIABLE RET to see documentation and the current value.