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How to masked an input text box which is data-bound to Knockout computed variable

I am using jquery MASKED INPUT PLUGIN for masking my input boxes which are data-binded to knockout variables. I have problem in masking if the knockout variable is Computed Variable.

Here is the Fiddler Link

I am able to mask input boxes of observable array. But I don't get masking option for the input box of Computed Variable(i.e here in my code is "self.SelectById()").


function KeyValuePairOfIdAndName(Name, ID) {
            var self = this;
            self.Name = Name;
            self.ID = ID;

var ViewModel = function () {
    var self = this;
    self.listOfkeyValue = ko.observableArray();
    self.SelectById = ko.computed(function () {
        return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.listOfkeyValue(), function (Fruit) {
            return Fruit.ID == 1001;
    var count = 1;
    self.CreateNewFruit = function () {

        self.listOfkeyValue.push(new KeyValuePairOfIdAndName("Apple" + count, 999 + count));
        count = count + 1;



$(document).ready(function () {
    var viewModel = new ViewModel();


<button data-bind="event: { mousedown: CreateNewFruit }" >Createe Fruit</button>    
Fruits From Observable Array
<div data-bind="foreach: listOfkeyValue" >                            
    <input class = "inputboxofEachFruit" data-bind="value: ID"/>   
<span style = "color:Red;">Fruits From computed variable</span>
<div data-bind="foreach: SelectById" >                            
    <input class = "inputboxofSelectedFruit" data-bind="value: ID"/>   

I have an idea that, i need to bind dynamically created variables to mask's property and i have done that in "self.CreateNewFruit()" after pushing new element in "self.listOfkeyValue()". But what to do with Computed Variables. How to mask them.


  • one way would be using trigger to add .mask when ever new element is created


    $("#cool").on("click", function () {
       $(".one").mask("9999"); //dynamic elements with same class name get's mask

    working sample with your code here

    other simple way would be under your ko click event add .mask on class name make sure you maintain same class across mask-able elements like here