I have been working on this piece of code for a while and for some reason poll returns zero even though there is data to be read in from the outFds pipe. For some reason if I read in some of the data and then run poll it returns the proper value, but this is not a solution. Has anybody seen this before and know what I should do?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
int main(void)
int outFds[2];
if(!fork()) {
dup2(outFds[1], 1);
// disable printf buffering
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
char buf[32];
char c;
// Read 'b' into c. If this next line is not commented poll returns 1
//read(outFds[0], &c, 1);
struct pollfd outFd;
outFd.fd = outFds[0];
outFd.events = POLLIN;
printf("%d\n", poll(&outFd, 1, 0)); // poll returns 0 for some reason
From the manpage:
Specifying a timeout of zero causes poll() to return immediately, even if no file descriptors are ready.
I would read this as a timespec struct with tv_sec
and tv_nsec
set to 0
, but it seems that putting a nullptr
in has the same effect.