So I am using reflection to create a new instance of a List. I then want to set that list to a Node. The problem is Nodes only take primitives, Strings, Value, and Value[]. I get a ClassCastException when I try to do this:
Value[] valueArray = (Value[])Array.newInstance(elementType,size);
I would like to do :
Has anyone come across a way to do this properly? Or places that would lead me in the right direction? Is this even possible? Thanks for looking.
So why don't you just have your own implementation of Value, for instance like this:
class MyValue implements Value {
private Object value;
private int type;
public MyValue(Object value) throws RepositoryException {
if (value == null)
throw new RepositoryException("Value can not be null");
this.value = value;
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
type = PropertyType.BOOLEAN;
} else if (value instanceof Calendar) {
type = PropertyType.DATE;
} else if (value instanceof Double) {
type = PropertyType.DOUBLE;
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
type = PropertyType.LONG;
} else if (value instanceof String) {
type = PropertyType.STRING;
} else {
throw new RepositoryException("Wrong type: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
public Binary getBinary() throws RepositoryException {
throw new RepositoryException("Wrong type: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
public boolean getBoolean() throws ValueFormatException,
RepositoryException {
if (type == PropertyType.BOOLEAN)
return (Boolean)value;
throw new RepositoryException("Wrong type: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
public Calendar getDate() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException {
if (type == PropertyType.DATE)
return (Calendar)value;
throw new RepositoryException("Wrong type: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
public BigDecimal getDecimal() throws ValueFormatException,
RepositoryException {
if (type == PropertyType.DECIMAL)
return (BigDecimal)value;
throw new RepositoryException("Wrong type: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
public double getDouble() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException {
if (type == PropertyType.DOUBLE)
return (Double)value;
throw new RepositoryException("Wrong type: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
public long getLong() throws ValueFormatException, RepositoryException {
if (type == PropertyType.LONG)
return (Long)value;
throw new RepositoryException("Wrong type: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
public InputStream getStream() throws RepositoryException {
throw new RepositoryException("Wrong type: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
public String getString() throws ValueFormatException,
IllegalStateException, RepositoryException {
if (type == PropertyType.STRING)
return (String)value;
throw new RepositoryException("Wrong type: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
public int getType() {
return type;
public String toString() {
return value.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + value + ")";
Then you array code wouble be like:
Value[] valueArray = new Value[size];
valueArray[0] = new MyValue(123L);
valueArray[1] = new MyValue(123.45);
valueArray[2] = new MyValue("12345");