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C# Determinig if exception initialized with a message

Is there a way when catching an exception to determine if it were constructed with a non-default message.

            throw new Exception(message);      // case 1
            //throw new Exception();           // case 2

        catch(Exception exp)
            /* what do I put here such that if the case 2 exception were
               caught it would output exp.ToString() instead of exp.Message? */

            textBox1.Text = exp.Message;  // case 1 handeling


Just to clarify when Exception(message) is thrown I want it to ouptut exp.Message and when Exception() is thrown I want to output exp.ToString(). I would prefer to accomplish this without adding a custom exception. Thanks.


  • You need to check the message against a default exception

    catch (Exception e)
      bool isDefaultMessage = e.Message == new Exception().Message;


    Difference types of Exception

    catch (Exception e)
      bool isDefaultMessage = false;
         var x = (Exception) Activator.CreateInstance(e.GetType());
         isDefaultMessage = e.Message == x.Message;
      catch (Exception) {} // cannot create default exception.