I'm doing and application that send a file to Azure Storage Container and after this send a message to Azure Queue.
I cann't send more files and messages when I reach about 1000~1020 messages. I noticed too, that when I try to check how many messages are in the queue, I have an error.
The error is:
{ [Error: getaddrinfo EADDRINFO] code: 'EADDRINFO', errno: 'EADDRINFO', syscall: 'getaddrinfo' }
My code is:
function start(pos) {
var entry = inputs[pos]; // The array stars at 0 (zero)
console.log(entry); // Print current file
//Let's start the uploading
blobSvcInput.createContainerIfNotExists(containerInput, function(error, result, response){ // this function will create a container in Azure Storage (if this does not already exist)
// The Container was created or already exist
blobSvcInput.createBlockBlobFromLocalFile(containerInput, "input"+pos, entry, function(error, result, response){ // this function will create a new Blob in Azure Storage (Uploading the entry)
//No errors occurred - File uploaded
//Now we will send a message to the Azure Queue
setTimeout(function(){ sendMsg(pos); }, 0);
//An error occurred when upload the file. We need to start again.
console.log("Error when uploading Blob.");
setTimeout(function(){ start(pos); }, 2500);
// An error occurred when was trying create a Container
console.log("Error when creating Container.");
// We need to try again
setTimeout(function(){ start(pos); }, 2500);
The function to send the message is:
function sendMsg (pos) {
//Here I'll format the content of my message
var msg = formatMessage(pos,1);
queueSvc.createQueueIfNotExists(queue, function(error, result, response){ // Create Queue, if it does not exist
if(!error){ // Queue already exist or was created
queueSvc.createMessage(queue, msg, function(error, result, response){ // Send the message
if(!error){//Success sending the message
totalMsgsSent++; // Just for control
pos += parallelSend;
if(pos <= inputs.length){
setTimeout(function(){ start(pos); }, 0);
//Error occurred when sending the message
console.log("Error occurred when sending the message")
setTimeout(function(){ sendMsg(pos); }, 2000);
//Occurred a error when creating the queue
console.log("Occurred a error when creating the queue")
setTimeout(function(){ sendMsg(pos); }, 2000);
I'm really lost here. Thank you.
I tried some more tests. I tested in my local machine and I hadn't the problem.
So now I checked the version and my cloud vm was the version 0.10 and my local 0.12.
I removed and forced a 0.12 installation. Now it is working fine. Thanks you all.
I suspected that may be the v8 engine from 0.12.