I'm using Java 1.5 and I'd like to launch the associated application to open the file. I know that Java 1.6 introduced the Desktop API, but I need a solution for Java 1.5.
So far I found a way to do it in Windows:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{ "rundll32",
"url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", fileName });
Is there a cross-platform way to do it? Or at least a similar solution for Linux?
+1 for this answer
Additionally I would suggest the following implementation using polymorphism:
This way you can add new platform easier by reducing coupling among classes.
The Client code:
Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop();
desktop.open( aFile );
desktop.imaginaryAction( aFile );
The Desktop impl:
package your.pack.name;
import java.io.File;
public class Desktop{
// hide the constructor.
// Created the appropriate instance
public static Desktop getDesktop(){
String os = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();
Desktop desktop = new Desktop();
// This uf/elseif/else code is used only once: here
if ( os.indexOf("windows") != -1 || os.indexOf("nt") != -1){
desktop = new WindowsDesktop();
} else if ( os.equals("windows 95") || os.equals("windows 98") ){
desktop = new Windows9xDesktop();
} else if ( os.indexOf("mac") != -1 ) {
desktop = new OSXDesktop();
} else if ( os.indexOf("linux") != -1 && isGnome() ) {
desktop = new GnomeDesktop();
} else if ( os.indexOf("linux") != -1 && isKde() ) {
desktop = new KdeDesktop();
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("The platform %s is not supported ",os) );
return desktop;
// default implementation :(
public void open( File file ){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// default implementation :(
public void imaginaryAction( File file ){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// One subclass per platform below:
// Each one knows how to handle its own platform
class GnomeDesktop extends Desktop{
public void open( File file ){
// Runtime.getRuntime().exec: execute gnome-open <file>
public void imaginaryAction( File file ){
// Runtime.getRuntime().exec:gnome-something-else <file>
class KdeDesktop extends Desktop{
public void open( File file ){
// Runtime.getRuntime().exec: kfmclient exec <file>
public void imaginaryAction( File file ){
// Runtime.getRuntime().exec: kfm-imaginary.sh <file>
class OSXDesktop extends Desktop{
public void open( File file ){
// Runtime.getRuntime().exec: open <file>
public void imaginaryAction( File file ){
// Runtime.getRuntime().exec: wow!! <file>
class WindowsDesktop extends Desktop{
public void open( File file ){
// Runtime.getRuntime().exec: cmd /c start <file>
public void imaginaryAction( File file ){
// Runtime.getRuntime().exec: ipconfig /relese /c/d/e
class Windows9xDesktop extends Desktop{
public void open( File file ){
//Runtime.getRuntime().exec: command.com /C start <file>
public void imaginaryAction( File file){
//Runtime.getRuntime().exec: command.com /C otherCommandHere <file>
This is only an example, in real life is not worth to create a new class only to parametrize a value ( the command string %s ) But let's do imagine that each method performs another steps in platform specific way.
Doing this kind of approach, may remove unneeded if/elseif/else constructs that with time may introduce bugs ( if there are 6 of these in the code and a change is neede, you may forget to update one of them, or by copy/pasting you may forget to change the command to execute)