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@TestPropertySource doesn't work for JUnit test with AnnotationConfigContextLoader in Spring 1.2.6

It doesn't seem that anything I do in Spring 4.1.17 with Spring Boot 1.2.6.RELEASE works at all. I just want to access the application properties and override them with test if necessary (without using the hack to inject a PropertySource manually)

this doesn't work..

@TestPropertySource(properties = {"elastic.index=test_index"})

nor does this..

@TestPropertySource(locations = "/")

nor this..


full test case..

@ContextConfiguration(loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class)
@TestPropertySource(properties = {"elastic.index=test_index"})
public class PropertyTests {
    String index;

    @TestPropertySource(properties = {"elastic.index=test_index"})
    static class ContextConfiguration {

    public void wtf() {
        assertEquals("test_index", index);

resulting in

Expected :test_index
Actual   :${elastic.index}

It seems there is a lot of conflicting information between 3.x and 4.x and I can't find anything that will work for sure.

Any insight would be gratefully appreciated. Cheers!


  • Your use of @Value requires a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer bean to resolve ${...} placeholders. See the accepted answer here: @Value not set via Java-configured test context