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How to activate IWiFiDirectDevice in Win32 Console APP using WRL?

I want to use WinRT API for WiFi Direct from Windows 10 SDK in Win32 Console Application. I know about C++/CX (and even made some progress going that way), but still want to make it work without this extension.

My problem is that I can't activate IWifiDirectDevice interface (from ABI::Windows::Devices::WiFiDirect) to access IWifiDirectDeviceStatics that provides an GetDeviceSelector method.

HStringReference strDevice(RuntimeClass_Windows_Devices_WiFiDirect_WiFiDirectDevice);

ComPtr<IInspectable> insp;
hr = RoActivateInstance(strDevice.Get(), insp.GetAddressOf());

This code ends up with E_NOTIMPL as a result. In Microsoft's example they used factories for activation, but ABI::Windows::Devices::WiFiDirect namespace has no factories.

Worth mentioning that IWifiDirectAdvertisementPublisher works just fine when activated the way I wrote before.

So how to activate IWifiDirectDevice from WRL?


  • Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.WiFiDirectDevice is not an activatable class. You can see that by looking at windows.devices.wifidirect.idl.

    You will need to use the static methods, e.g.:

    HStringReference strDevice(RuntimeClass_Windows_Devices_WiFiDirect_WiFiDirectDevice);
    ComPtr<IWiFiDirectDeviceStatics> wiFiDirectDeviceStatics;
    hr = Windows::Foundation::GetActivationFactory(
    ComPtr<IWiFiDirectDevice> wiFiDirectDevice;
    ComPtr<IAsyncOperation<WiFiDirectDevice*>> asyncOperation;
    hr = wiFiDirectDeviceStatics->FromIdAsync(deviceId.Get(), &asyncOperation);

    Consider taking a look at the Wi-Fi Direct sample.