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Fortify SCA exclude multiple directories/files with maven plugin

Sorry for the seemingly duplicate question but the other Fortify solutions didn't seem to fit my case. I'm doing scans/uploads via the maven sca plugin


and it works

This excludes all LOCAL and INT (integration testing) property files from being scanned. Additionally, I'd like to exclude archived xsds from being scanned as well:


but this does not work. In fact, not even the original working pattern is found. Any ideas?


  • I will share my solution, albeit a little bit of work that requires you to have access to the HP fortify installation:

    I was tired of fussing for a whole day with this so I did the only sensible thing and re-wrote a portion of the fortify maven plugin! I liked the separator as ; so I changed the file under the mavin-plugin folder as follows then re-deployed the fortify plugin:

    OLD Line:

    addOptionValuePair("-exclude", exclude);

    NEW Line:

    if(exclude != null && exclude.length() > 0){
       String[] excludeList = exclude.split(";");
       for(int i = 0; i < excludeList.length; i++){
          addOptionValuePair("-exclude", excludeList[i].trim());

    Now my project's .pom has this sca-maven-plugin definition:


    The sca-translate-war.txt file that Maven generates and uses as part of the translate step now has an -exclude for each pattern provided:

    "-exclude" "**/*.(LOCAL|INT).*" "-exclude" "**/xsd/archive/*"

    This worked for me and will hopefully save someone a few hours of struggle.