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Laravel 8 Fortify login says 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS

I'm having a problem related to 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS. I have used Laravel fortify and my web route is like

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');


The problem is coming intermittently, after successful login I redirected to dashboard if immediately I hit logout and instantly try to log-in it is giving 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS and in the address bar the URL is Now if I wait there for a sec and refresh the page it redirects to the dashboard page.

I have searched the web, everyone is saying about throttle and I'm not seeing this as the solution. Please help me. Thanks.


  • I stumbled upon the same problem today and did some debugging. When registering the /login route, Fortify applies the Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ThrottleRequests:login middleware to it. This means, for every request to that route, the ThrottleRequests middleware will call the RateLimiter instance for that specified key. Apparently, Fortify doesn't register a RateLimiter for the login key.

    Due to the missing key in the $limiters property of the RateLimiter instance, the ThrottleRequests middleware uses its default fallback, which doesn't handle the edge case "there SHOULD be a rate limiter for that key, but there isn't." really well. The $maxAttempts variable is set to 0 and will result in flaky rate limiting behaviour.

    I feel like this is a bug in Fortify, because rate limiting is also happening in the \Laravel\Fortify\Actions\EnsureLoginIsNotThrottled action, which is invoked in the \Laravel\Fortify\Http\Controllers\AuthenticatedSessionController controller. I didn't check this on a fresh Laravel installation, though, so I don't want to jump to conclusions here.

    Anyway, long story short: As a workaround, you can simply register a rate limiter for the "login" key in some of your providers, e. g. AppServiceProvider or AuthServiceProvider:

    public function boot()
        RateLimiter::for("login", function () {

    Edit: I just realized that the rate limiter for the "login" key is indeed provided by Fortify within the FortifyServiceProvider class. If you happen to have a problem similar to the one discussed above, make sure that you added the FortifyServiceProvider class to your providers array in the config/app.php.