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Scala Anorm zero to many the right way

I have a simple database consisting of 2 tables - movie and comment, where comments are related to movies, and then I have following piece of scala anorm code:

case class Comment(commentId: Long, comment: String)
case class Movie(movieId: Long, name: String, movieType: String)

object MovieDao {
  val movieParser: RowParser[Movie] = {
    long("movieId") ~
    str("name") ~
    str("movieType") map {
      case movieId ~ name ~ movieType => Movie(movieId, name, movieType)

  val commentParser: RowParser[Comment] = {
    long("commentId") ~
    str("comment") map {
      case commentId ~ comment => Comment(commentId, comment)

  def getAll(movieType: String) = DB.withConnection {
    implicit connection =>
          |FROM movie
          |LEFT JOIN comment USING(movieId)
          |WHERE movieType = {movieType}
      .on("movieType" -> movieType)
      .as(((movieParser ~ (commentParser ?)) map (flatten)) *)
      .groupBy(_._1) map {(mc: (Movie, List[(Movie, Option[Comment])])) =>
        mc match {
          case (a, b) => (a, b filter { //filter rows with no comments
            case (c, Some(d)) => true
            case _ => false
          } map(_._2))
      } toList

My goal is to return List[(Movie, Option[List[Comment]])] from getAll method, so I can iterate over movies and check if there are any comments as simple as possible, e.i. match None or Some on comments List. I'm currently returning List[(Movie, Option[List[Option[Comment]])] and I'm only able to check size of comments List (thanks to using filter method), which I don't consider as the right way to do it in scala.

My second question is about parsing query itself, I think it's just to complicated the way I did it. Is there any simpler and nicer solution to parse 0..N relation using anorm?


  • Peter, it's possibly more style than anything dramatically different, but with a MovieComments case class, you could write something like:

    case class MovieComments(movie: Movie, comments: List[Comment])
      val movieCommentsP =
        movieParser ~ (commentParser ?) map {
          case movie ~ comment =>
            MovieComments(movie,if (comment.isEmpty) List() else List(comment.get))
      val movieSqlSelector = "m.movieId,, m.movieType"
      val commentSqlSelector = "c.commentId, c.comment"
      def getAll(movieType: String) :List[MovieComments]= DB.withConnection {
        implicit connection =>
              |FROM movie
              |LEFT JOIN comment USING(movieId)
              |WHERE movieType = {movieType}
            .on('movieType -> movieType)
            .as(movieCommentsP *)
            .groupBy( map { 
                case (movieId,movieComments) => 

    You may really need an Option[List[Comment]], but wouldn't a List[Comment] do? List() is the "no comment" case after all. (P.S. I find the use of sqlSelector variables helps with refactoring.)