I wrote a database population script (in JavaScript) so that I could easily run it on my local and on the server. I want to run it from the command line so that all I have to do is push it to the server/gear and execute it. The script runs fine on my local, but when I try to run it on the OpenShift gear it gives the following error:
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to: 127.XX.XXX.X:27017/admin
Sat Sep 12 12:20:25.979 count failed: { "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "unauthorized" }
at src/mongo/shell/query.js:180
failed to load: ./Create.js
I'm trying to execute the command:
[xxxxxx-xxxxxx.rhcloud.com scripts]\> mongo ./Create.js
I have included the innards of my file. I left out all the document creation stuff. Just know I added document to an array.
// Switch to the DB we want
var connection;
try {
// Try to connect to local first
connection = new Mongo();
catch(err) {
// If error, connect to OpenShift server
connection = new Mongo('127.XX.XXX.X:27017');
db = connection.getDB('xxxxxxx');
// Create array to store documents
var newDocs = [];
// Documents are added to newDocs here
// If any new documents exist, insert them
if(newDocs.length) {
var bulk = db.xxxxxxx.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
newDocs.forEach(function (doc) {
else {
print('NO NEW DOCS');
I used db.auth('username', 'password');
to authenticate. Ultimately, I added a variable to the script to track if I was running the script locally or on the server. Then I used a variable for the password so that I wouldn't have the DB password just hanging out in the script. I pass the password in from the command line with the --eval
option. Here is the altered head of the script:
// Switch to the DB we want
var connection;
var isLocal = true;
try {
// Try to connect to local first
connection = new Mongo();
catch(err) {
// If error, connect to OpenShift server
connection = new Mongo('127.XX.XXX.X:27017');
isLocal = false;
db = connection.getDB('xxxxxxx');
if(!isLocal) {
// If on server, authenticate
db.auth('username', password);
// Create array to store documents
var newDocs = [];
Then, to run the script from the command line on the server, I use the following:
mongo --eval "var password = 'xxxxxxx';" Create.js