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Add filter to my odata is not working

Add filter to my odata is not working.

here is my api:

I have to apply filter $filter=startswith(FirstName, 'A') eq true

If i dont have companyId=4 its working fine, but without that my api wont work. Can anyone help on this?


  • Actually, I don't think I really understand what you're asking.

    From your End point Uri, it seems that you want to call an operation (function/action) named GetContactDetails with a parameter as companyId=4.

    Next, you mentioned that you have to put the $filter clause. It seems that you want to do as follows:$filter=startswith(FirstName, 'A') eq true

    If it's true, the above Uri template does not follow up the OData spec.

    So, as I think,

    1. if GetContactDetails is an unbound operation, you can do it as: ~/ClientCursor/GetContactDetails(companyId=4)?&$filter=startswith(FirstName, 'A') eq true

    2. If GetContactDetails is an entity set and companyId is the key, you can simply do as: ~/ClientCursor/GetContactDetails(4)?&$filter=startswith(FirstName, 'A') eq true

    Of course, if you can show us more codes or metadata, it can help us to understand clearer.