I need to read file once and its result to be processed further in sampler. My strategy is ThreadGroup--> BeanShell Preprocessor + BeanShell Sampler
My preprocessor should read file once for whole Thread Group and result to be used in Sampler for specific no. of thread.(i do not want to read file for each thread)
I wrote file reader code in preprocessor, now need to use the result in sampler.
Now answers:
int number = ctx.getThread().getThreadNum(); // get current thread number
props.put("value_for_thread_" + number, "foo"); // store some value specific for the specific thread
String value = props.get("value_for_thread_5"); // get value for thread 5
- is a shorthand for JMeterContextprops
- stands for JMeter Properties, an instance of java.util.Properties deriving all the methods and fields, global for the whole JVM instance.See JavaDocs for aforementioned objects to see what else can be done and Beanshell vs JSR223 vs Java JMeter Scripting: The Performance-Off You've Been Waiting For! guide for instructions on installing groovy scripting engine, scripting best practices and benchmark of Beanshell, JSR223+groovy and Java code.