@index, index is not working inside templates. I dont know exactly. Therefore, I have moved to {{_view.contentIndex}} for getting index value.
Question No 1:
How to access second_dict values via parent index ?
Let say, I have two dicts
first_dict = [{"name":"x"},{"name":"y"},{"name":"z"}]
second_dict = [{"name":"x"},{"name":"y"}]
{{#each first in first_dict}}
{{_view.contentIndex}} # output as 0,1,2
???{{second_dict._view.contentIndex.name}} # how to access second_dict value based on parent index ?
Use {{get}}
helper and custom {{to-string}}
{{#each first_dict as |first index|}}
Second dict value: {{get (get second_dict (to-string index)) 'name'}}