I have a situation
let(:user) { create(:user, organization: org, role_ids: [Role::ROLE_CSA]) }
subject(:ability) { Ability.new(user) }
describe 'Not Permitted' do
# I need this
it { is_expected_not_to (be_able_to(:index, AdminsController)) }
# Or this
it { is_expected_to (not_be_able_to(:index, AdminsController)) }
But unfortunately I found that the is_expected_not_to
and not_be_able_to
are not available.
I could do in this way
it 'should not permit' do
expect(ability).not_to be_able_to(:index, AdminsController)
But If possible I would like to use the short form
instead. Is there any way I can achieve what I want?
If not, I would like to create new custom matcher
which has behavior just opposite to be_able_to
of CanCan
or is_expected_to
if possible. can anybody help?
from: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-core/docs/subject/one-liner-syntax
You should be able to do:
it { is_expected.not_to (be_able_to(:index, AdminsController)) }