Hey when I run my program, I want to dynamically add Panels to the mainpage and therfore work with "setVisible(boolean)".
But not I get the error:
ERROR: Cannot bind a listener for event "click" on element "institutCheck7" because the element is not in the DOM
In the Ajax Debugger.
I saw that it has something to do with the visibility in this post, but I didn't get what I have to do, it says, that this is being resolved in Wicket 7, but I'm still running 6.20.
adminUIForm.add(myPanel= new MyPanel("myPanel", allThings));
//Note: Setting the OutputMarkupId allows actions such as setting components in/visible
List<IColumn<ContactInfo, String>> columns = new ArrayList<IColumn<ContactInfo, String>>();
columns = initializeColumns(columns);
DataTable<ContactInfo, String> datatable = new DataTable<ContactInfo, String>("datatable", columns, provider, 10){
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected Item<ContactInfo> newRowItem(final String id, final int index,
final IModel<ContactInfo> model) {
Item<ContactInfo> rowItem = new Item<ContactInfo>(id, index, model);
rowItem.add(new AjaxEventBehavior("onclick") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
return rowItem;
I override the newRowItem method to add an onClick event. I get "click" in the console each time I hit a column, but I get this error log:
ERROR: Wicket.Ajax.Call.processComponent: Component with id [[institutTablePanel6]] was not found while trying to perform markup update. Make sure you called component.setOutputMarkupId(true) on the component whose markup you are trying to update.
ERROR: Cannot bind a listener for event "click" on element "institutCheck7" because the element is not in the DOM
ERROR: Cannot bind a listener for event "click" on element "cont8" because the element is not in the DOM
ERROR: Cannot bind a listener for event "click" on element "institutCheck9" because the element is not in the DOM
ERROR: Cannot bind a listener for event "click" on element "conta" because the element is not in the DOM
ERROR: Cannot bind a listener for event "click" on element "institutCheckb" because the element is not in the DOM
ERROR: Cannot bind a listener for event "click" on element "contc" because the element is not in the DOM
ERROR: Cannot bind a listener for event "click" on element "institutCheckd" because the element is not in the DOM
ERROR: Cannot bind a listener for event "click" on element "conte" because the element is not in the DOM
Those error all bind with components in "myPanel", I don't know how to resolve this. If I set it to visible earlier I get the same problem, including all elements, which will be hidden later in the workflow.
public class MyPanel extends Panel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Form<Void> institutForm = new Form<Void>("institutForm");
private ListView<Institut> listView;
private IModel<ContactInfo> selectedKontakt;
private Set<Institut> allInstitut;
protected void onModelChanged() {
//TODO maybe here
public InstitutTablePanel(String id, final Set<Institut> allInstitut) {
this.allInstitut = allInstitut;
List<Institut> allInstitutList = new ArrayList<Institut>(allInstitut);
institutForm.add(listView = new ListView<Institut>("listView", allInstitutList) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void populateItem(final ListItem<Institut> item) {
final IModel<Boolean> checked = Model.of(Boolean.FALSE);
final IModel<String> expandState = Model.of("+");
final Label institutLabel;
final Institut institut = item.getModelObject();
// Define variables which concern only one item in populateItem
final WebMarkupContainer div = createMarkUpContainer("cont");
final WebMarkupContainer container = createMarkUpContainer("container");
compareInstitute(checked, institut, container);
div.add(new AjaxEventBehavior("onclick") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
expandOrCollapse(expandState, container);
div.add(new AjaxCheckBox("institutCheck", checked) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
//Not Important for this
container.add(new ErhebungMatrixPanel("erhebungMatrix", institut, selectedKontakt));
div.add(institutLabel = new Label("institutLabel", new PropertyModel<Institut>(institut, "langName")));
I edited my setSelectedKontakt method like this:
public void setSelectedKontakt(IModel<ContactInfo> model) {
this.selectedKontakt = model;
to trigger the change if necessary.
The problem is target.add(myPanel);
won't trigger populateItem again.
The error message says it pretty clearly and a look into the DOM tells that the markup for the panel is not there. Thats because setVisible(false)
doens't even render the component with CSS display: none;
as expected. It's just not there so it can't be modified afterwards. But you can tell Wicket to render a placeholder instead with setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true)
. Wicket then creates an invisible markup e.g. <span style="display: none;" id="mypanel1a"></span>
, which then is swaped with the real component when setting the visiblity to true