I have two collections FoodCategory(_id,Category)
and FoodInfo (_id,Category,Cat_ID,FootItem,Cost)
I want to display FootItem
and Cost
when a user clicks a button showing Category
from FoodCategory
, I have displayed button showing Category but not getting around the concept of how to retrieve data from collection when button is clicked.
<template name="manageFoodItems">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary " id="updateNewItemBtn">Update Item</button>
<div class="updateItemPanel">
{{#each catDisplay}}
{{> manageFoodUpdateItemSection}}
<template name="manageFoodUpdateItemSection">
<a class="btn btn-default expandCategory" href="#" role="button">{{Category}}</a>
<div id="categoryFoodItem">
<!--This is where I want to display FootItem when Foot Category button with Class expandCategory is clicked-->
catDisplay: function() {
return FoodCategory.find({});
This template is in the file ManageFootItem.html
'click .expandCategory': function(evt, tmpl) {
var clikedFoodCatId = this._id;
Session.set("curFoodCatID", clikedFoodCatId);
return FoodInfo.find({
Cat_ID: clikedFoodCatId
footItemDisplay: function() {
var curFoodId = Session.set("curFoodCatID");
curFoodId = "jZyBxkfEAHJrdaKJ6";
in helpers function can retrieve data from collection if I use for each but I want data to dispay when I click button showing {{Category}}
You could use Session to store the current document's _id
of FoodCategory
and in further consequence react to click events. For example:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
currentFoodItem: function() {
return Session.get('catId') == this._id;
FoodInfo: function() {
return FoodInfo.find({"Cat_ID": Session.get('catId')});
'click .expandCategory': function() {
Session.set('catId', this._id);
<template name="manageFoodUpdateItemSection">
<a class="btn btn-default expandCategory" href="#" role="button">{{Category}}</a>
{{#if currentFoodItem}}
<div id="categoryFoodItem">
{{#each FoodInfo}}