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UnsatisfiedLinkError caused by org.gdal.ogr.ogrJNI.GetDriverCount()

I am developing in Java on Windows 7 with Eclipse (Luna).

I am using gdal for some ogr processes and running the application from eclipse is fine, but running from command line on the same machine is running into problems.

and I get the following:

Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.gdal.ogr.ogrJNI.GetDriverCount()I
    at org.gdal.ogr.ogrJNI.GetDriverCount(Native Method)
    at org.gdal.ogr.ogr.GetDriverCount(

I've added all of the directories under gdal that contain dlls and jars to both the CLASSPATH and PATH environmental.

I thought it might be the libraries, but I am using the deployment location in the paths, which works in eclipse.

In the eclipse project's .classpath file I noticed that the gdal reference has an attribute called CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY, this links to the gdal\dll directory, but I have already included that in the paths:

<classpathentry exported="true" kind="lib" path="dependencies/gdal/bin/gdal/java/gdal.jar">
        <attribute name="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY" value="dependencies/gdal/dll"/>

This is the only difference I can see. How do you replicate this on a windows machine or is that handled by the CLASSPATH and PATH?

Do I need to reference the individual dlls? I have tried the 4 that normally go with gdal.jar, but that doesnt change the error that I am getting.


  • I found this article / Post:

    It talks about setting up GDAL for windows and is a lot more straight forward than the spiders web of includes and references I had.

    I took all the references to gdal off the ClassPath and Path.

    I then added only the link to the gdal/bin/gdal/java/gdal.jar on the ClassPath and a link to gdal/dll directory on the Path. That is it... that is all you need to do...

    There are mentions in the post about GDAL_DATA and GDAL_DRIVERS, I didnt need those, but you could add those to be safe.

    update GDAL_DATA is needed, just reference gdal/bin/gdal_data iirc

    I can only deduce that Eclipse doesnt use the classpath so the extra references I put on the ClassPath were just confusing matters.