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Change css of li's before and after the median li

I am trying to make navigation that will align the items no matter the quantity. In the else I'm trying to give the li before- and after the median-li certain css. At the moment all li are yellow because the index number will always be larger than the median after it finished its loop. My js knowledge is not that great but I'm learning every day :)

var count = $("ul.filter__dropdown li").length;

if ( (count & 1) == 0 ) {
    var w = 100;
    var list = $("ul.filter__dropdown li");
    list.css('width', "calc( 100% /" + count + ")");
else {
    var median = Math.round(count /= 2);
    var list = $("ul.filter__dropdown li");
    var count = $("ul.filter__dropdown li").length;
    list.css('width', "calc( 100% /" + count + ")");

    $("ul.filter__dropdown li").each(function(index) {

        if ( index < median ) {
            list.css("background-color" , "black");

        if ( index == median ) {
            list.css("background-color" , "green");

        if ( index > median ) {
            list.css("background-color" , "yellow");


  • You can use :lt and :gt selectors to select the li elements before median and after some index i.e. median respectively.

    var total = $('li').length,
      median = Math.floor(total / 2);
    $('li:lt(' + median + ')').addClass('green');
    $('li:gt(' + median + ')').addClass('red');
    // $('li').eq(median).addClass('median');
    li {
      color: yellow;
    .green {
      color: green;
    .red {
      color: red;
    <script src=""></script>