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Ensuring release of pessimistic lock

I'm considering implementing the pessimistic locking pattern in a WinForms insurance quoting application using SQL Server. Before a user starts working on a quote, a record will be added to the lock table; when they're done, the record will be deleted from the table.

My question is, how do I ensure that the lock is released in the event of a failure which is outside of my application's control? I'm thinking mostly of client side network connection errors or power failures, but there are endless possibilities.


  • Rather than a locking table, consider a session level application lock ( The lock will be released when the SQL session is terminated for any reason, or when released explicitly.

    --acquire lock
          @ReturnCode int
        , @ClientID nvarchar(255) = '12345';
    EXEC  @ReturnCode = sp_getapplock
          @Resource = @ClientID
        , @LockMode = N'Exclusive' 
        , @LockOwner = 'Session'
        , @LockTimeout = 0;
    IF @ReturnCode < 0
        RAISERROR('Lock for quote not be granted for ClientID %s. Return code=%d', 16, 1, @ClientID, @ReturnCode);
    --release lock
          @ReturnCode int
        , @ClientID nvarchar(255) = '12345';
    EXEC  @ReturnCode = sp_releaseapplock
          @Resource = @ClientID
        , @LockOwner = 'Session';