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Replace js files with the corresponding minified versions

I'm using Grunt and I want minify my js files (I'm trying to config uglify but without success...)

I would like replace all js files in my project with corrispondents file minified.

If, for example, my project structure is

|  |___home.js
|  |___order.js
|  |___fld
|      |___simple.js
|      |___break.js
|  |__offline.js

I would like simply, for each file, replace it with the minified version (with same nemes, without merge their in one file)

I have tried with:

    uglify: {
        minAllJs: {
            files: [

but not work...

p.s. I don't want write


because my structure folder change and I don't want every time modify the Gruntfile


  • Try with this:

    uglify: {
            options: {
            main: {
                files: [{
                    expand: true,
                    src: ['yourpath/**/*.js'],
                    dest: ''