I am working with leaflet api where user can put markers on map. I have made a custom button for putting marker.
I am willing to draw line between those markers i.e. using
but as I am new to javascript and leaflet I can't
understand how to pass those latlng point to array which will later be
used in these functions. For initial working I have passed static
coordinates(working as req).
L.easyButton('fa-link', function () {
var secureThisArea = [[-81, 100.75], [-76.50, 245.75], [-145.50, 184.25], [-128, 311.75]];
map.on('click', function fencePlace(e) {
L.marker([-81, 100.75], { icon: fenceIcon, draggable: true }).bindPopup("this is first").addTo(map);
L.marker([-76.50, 245.75], { icon: fenceIcon, draggable: true }).bindPopup("this is second").addTo(map);
L.marker([-145.50, 184.25], { icon: fenceIcon, draggable: true }).bindPopup("this is third").addTo(map);
L.marker([-128, 311.75], { icon: fenceIcon, draggable: true }).bindPopup("this is fourth").addTo(map);
Adding another value to an array is easy, e.g.:
secureThisArea.push([-81, 100.75]);
You can find more details (also about anything else JavaScript related) at Mozilla Developer Network.
If you want to use the coordinates from the marker objects, you can get those with:
var myMarker = L.marker([-81, 100.75], { icon: fenceIcon, draggable: true }),
latLng = null;
latLng = myMarker.getLatLng();
Also take a look at the Leaflet documentation.