I am using UFT and VBS and I am getting an object from a JavaScript command that returns other objects, but I am unable to access these objects properties.
In detail:
table. The command is grid.getData();
and returns an object.objListArray
and the hierarchy is:objListArray (Object) | |---0 (Object) | | | |---Property1 : Value | |---Property2 : Value | |---Propertyx : Value | |---1 (Object) | | | |---Property1 : Value | |---Property2 : Value | |---Propertyx : Value | |---2 (Object) | | | |---Property1 : Value | |---Property2 : Value | |---Propertyx : Value | |---n (Object) | |---Property1 : Value |---Property2 : Value |---Propertyx : Value
No matter what I tried I cannot access the properties of the objects. Any ideas how I can access these properties? I am limited to VBS as this is for a UFT script.
So far I tried without success:
objListArray(0).Property1 '--> Generic error
For Each x in objListArray '--> Object does not support that
various other combinations that return a generic error.
I realized that the object is of type JScriptTypeInfo
In order to access it I can use the bellow:
Now, to iterate through the Object you can do it like that:
For i = 0 To objListArray.Length-1
x = eval("objListArray.[" & index & "].[Account Number]")
'Do anything you want with x