I want to call a Javascript function every time a checkbox changes its value. I do the same for inputs of the select type and there it works just fine. Both inputs are in one table. This is one element that calls the first function:
<select name="minuteEnd" id="minuteEnd" onChange="calculateWorkTime()">'.$dropDown_minuteEnd.'
And the part which calls the second function
<input type="checkbox" name="deleteShift" id="deleteShift" onChange="updateSubmitButton()" /><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="deleteShiftConfirm" id="deleteShiftConfirm" onChange="updateSubmitButton()" />.
Then I define both functions in separate script tags, but I also tried to define them in one, that did not solve the problem. Because I do not always need both of them I call a PHP-function for each to be written. These PHP functions are
the actual Javascript code is this:
function drawScriptCalculateWorkTime()
function calculateWorkTime()
//I work (My name can be found)
function drawScriptUpdateSubmitbutton()
function updateSubmitButton()
//I do not work. I get the error: ReferenceError: updateSubmitButton is not defined
//This is my code
var delete = document.getElementById("deleteShift").checked;
var deleteConfirm = document.getElementById("deleteShiftConfirm").checked;
if(delete && deleteConfirm)
document.getElementById("submitButton").disabled = false;
My Browser-console always tells me
ReferenceError: updateSubmitButton is not defined,
but I checked the name about 20 times. Further, it always tells me on window load this:
SyntaxError: missing variable name
This refers to the first line of Code of the second javascript.
I already checked google and even found a quite similar question here ( Javascript Uncaught Reference error Function is not defined ) but that solution did not work for me.
If I did not provide all information needed I will provide them right away.
In javascript, delete
is a reserved word and cannot be used for a variable name.