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Unity3D: How to instantiate a new GameObject and manipulate it

I'm working on a 2D Unity game, and I want to create a Boom in run time and move it.

Here is part of my code. I create a prefab Boom, and I drop it into inspector.

public GameObject Boom; // prefab Boom is drop here
void OnMouseDown()
    Vector3 NewBoomPostion = new Vector3 (Luncher.transform.position.x,BoomPosition, 85);
    Instantiate(Boom, NewBoomPostion , Quaternion.identity);
    iTween.MoveTo (Boom, iTween.Hash ("y",BoomendPosition ,"speed",Boomspeed,"EaseType",BoomeaseType,"LoopType",BoomloopType));

But it throws this error

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object iTween.RetrieveArgs ()


  • I think problem is, Instantiate() instantiates a copy of object (Boom). After instantiate it, your new game object doesn't point to Boom object. It's a new game object.

    GameObject instantiatedBoom = (GameObject) Instantiate (Boom, newBoomPosition, Quaternion.identity);
    iTween.MoveTo( instantiatedBoom,....);

    should solve it