Can't figure out why the bundle exec rake test
command fails but when I manually try to send the email it works and displays as it should.
Error message:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) and it highlights
def stock_alert_email(stock)
from user_mailer.rb
def stock_alert_email(stock)
@stock = stock
mail(to: '', subject: "Stock Alert! %s has reached %s" % [@stock[0].to_s, @stock[1].to_s])
test "stock_alert_email" do
email = UserMailer.stock_alert_email().deliver_now
assert_not ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty?
# Test the body of the sent email contains what we expect it to
assert_equal [''], email.from
assert_equal [''],
assert_equal "Stock Alert! %s has reached %s" % [@stock[0].to_s, @stock[1].to_s], email.subject
assert_equal read_fixture('stock_alert_email').join, email.body.to_s
where I call the mail to send
When I use binding.pry before the above^^ line I see that @stock is
[1] pry(main)> @stock
=> ["AAPL", 114.21]
The problem is here in this line
email = UserMailer.stock_alert_email().deliver_now
You are not passing any argument to the stock_alert_email
while it expects an argument.