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If/else statement executing incorrectly

Learning python and currently learning the bisection method of solving problem. I'm writing code that should take in a users guess from 0 to 100 and attempt to find that guess using bisection. Here's the code:

answer = raw_input('Please think of a number between 0 and 100')
#I've been using 80 as my test case 

low = 0
high = 100

guess = (low+high)/2

while guess != answer:

    if guess < answer:
        low = guess
        high = guess

    guess = (low+high)/2

What I've realized is that when my guess < answer is false the else block doesn't execute, so my high number never changes. Why is this happening? Am I overlooking something here?


  • You need to convert user input to integer (raw_input() returns a string):

    answer = int(raw_input(...))

    Comparison fails because you are later comparing an integer to a string (which works in Python2, but would not work in Python3):

    >>> 10 < "50"
    >>> 75 < "50"